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A combobox is a form element that allows the user to select one or more options from a set of choices.

HeadlessUI Combobox Documentation


Terminal window
import { Combobox } from "@aeonkit/react";


Create an array of anything you want to use as options. For these examples, we’ll use an array of objects with label and value keys.

Terminal window
const cities = [
label: "Houston, TX",
value: "houston",
label: "Austin, TX",
value: "austin",
label: "Dallas, TX",
value: "dallas",
label: "San Antonio, TX",
value: "san-antonio",
label: "Fort Worth, TX",
value: "fort-worth",
label: "Los Angeles, CA",
value: "los-angeles",
label: "San Diego, CA",
value: "san-diego",
label: "San Francisco, CA",
value: "san-francisco",
label: "San Jose, CA",
value: "san-jose",
label: "Sacramento, CA",
value: "sacramento",


Single combobox allows only one item to be selected at a time.


Multiple combobox allows multiple items to be selected at a time. Use the multiple prop to enable this feature.

Houston, TX Los Angeles, CA

Styling states

You can style the selected and focused states by using data attributes. For example:

Terminal window
className="group flex gap-2 bg-white data-[focus]:bg-blue-100"
<LuCheck className="invisible size-5 group-data-[selected]:visible" />

Read more about styling states. Note: You can not style via render props at this time.


API Interface: ComboboxProps